How Can Carequality Help Providers?
Making a connection for health information exchange can be a lot of work. Legal teams need to sign off on contracts. Technical staff need to negotiate standards. Compliance and privacy officers need to weigh in on governance topics like acceptable data use. And that’s all before you can start testing.
We have a nationwide governance structure and clear technical and policy requirements that have buy-in from across the industry. Set up one compliant gateway through one of our implementers, and connect to all other participants, both locally and across the country.

Are You Ready to Connect?

Providers like you are already online and sharing health data across geographic and technological boundaries.
See Who in Your State Is Using Carequality Today
How Does Carequality Work?
Carequality is not a new, separate data sharing network for you to join. Instead, Carequality builds on data exchange relationships and agreements you already have in place, and expands their reach.
We do this by connecting what we call implementers, who might be HIEs, EHR vendors, payers, clearinghouses, or other types of organizations. Carequality implementers provide access to data from many different sources.
When you get a cell phone, you sign up for service with a network provider and then can make calls to anyone, regardless of their provider. Carequality brings that concept to health IT. Once you have connectivity services from one of our implementers, you can exchange records with any other participant regardless of their Implementer.
Chances are, you already know one of our implementers. Ask them how you can get connected, or ask your EHR vendor or HIE about their Carequality plans.