A lot of hard work by many members of the Carequality community has come to fruition, and a completed draft of the Query-Based Document Exchange Implementation Guide is now posted for public review and feedback on the Carequality Wiki.
The Implementation Guide is the result of many months of effort by the Query and Trust Framework Workgroups. It lays out the technical specifications, business requirements, and processes for Carequality’s initial use case. Implementation Guides are an integral part of the Carequality Interoperability Framework, and it’s always hardest to blaze the trail and create the first work of its kind. Many, many thanks to the Workgroup members, and to the members of the Advisory Council and Steering Committee who provided initial review and feedback.
Now, it’s your turn to have your say. Inclusiveness and transparency are core operating principles for Carequality, and we value feedback from all healthcare stakeholders. I encourage anyone interested in advancing nationwide interoperability to read the Implementation Guide and let us know what you think. The Workgroups will review comments that we receive – instructions and timelines are on the Wiki page linked below – and this feedback will be taken into account when the Guide is finalized for production use.
There are eight sections in the Guide, including an introduction as the first section. Section 2 defines Roles within Query-Based Document Exchange that are central to the remainder of the Guide. Sections 3-6 define business requirements, processes, and performance measures. Sections 7-8 define technical requirements.
The business and process sections will definitely be easier to understand in the context of Carequality’s Principles of Trust. I would suggest reading the Principles prior to reviewing the Guide, if you aren’t yet familiar with them.
The draft Guide is available on the Carequality Wiki’s General Information page. If you are not yet a member of our wiki, you will be prompted to create a Wikispaces account and then request access. The requests are a formality and we approve them as soon as we see them – it’s something of a competition to see which of us can get to them first.
I look forward to your feedback.