We hope you’ve recovered from HIMSS17 and are ready to roll-up your sleeves to join us in refining the Carequality Framework.
While standard clinical document templates exist, there remains a great deal of variation in how information is actually expressed within these templates. The content of clinical documents (i.e. the fields and terminology values within these standard templates) can vary widely between organizations, even within the same network or across different implementations of the same vendor’s software.
Within a query exchange environment, this leads to challenges where requested documents might not contain the vital information expected by the requester based on the type of documents requested, or might not contain the information in an expected or recognized way.
Carequality is seeking volunteers for a new workgroup that will address this need.
The Document Content Workgroup will focus on determining what critical content values are essential to various stakeholders to exchange. The Workgroup will make detailed recommendations regarding document content and how it relates to Carequality’s specific needs.
To support future adoption of the Workgroup’s final recommendations, the group will be encouraged to build on and incorporate the efforts of others in the industry. As a starting point, the Workgroup will evaluate content requirements of existing network(s) to determine if they will meet Carequality’s needs. The Workgroup is also strongly encouraged to consider incorporating ideas from the C-CDA R2.1 Companion Guide, and to consider the findings of the HL7 Pertinent and Relevant project.
How to Volunteer for Carequality’s Patient Document Content Workgroup
If you or someone from your organization is interested in participating, please send an email to admin@carequality.org with subject “Document Content Workgroup Volunteer” and briefly describe your qualifications. We’re soliciting volunteers until 5:00pm PDT on March 31, 2017.