Initial CommonWell Health Alliance Provider Sites Now Exchanging with Carequality Participants
The Carequality implementer community is a fast-growing group of dedicated health information networks, including vendors, service providers, regional and state networks, and even personal health record companies. Today, CommonWell Health Alliance, a non-profit trade association providing a vendor-neutral platform and interoperability services for its members, shared on its blog that they have started a limited roll-out of live bidirectional data sharing with an initial set of CommonWell members and providers and other Carequality Interoperability Framework adopters.
This currently limited production use is the beginning of a broader effort to increase health IT connectivity nationwide by enabling CommonWell subscribers to engage in health data exchange through directed queries with Carequality-enabled providers, and vice versa. Diligent work has been done by both CommonWell and Carequality as well as CommonWell subscribers and Carequality implementers since the December 2016 announcement. As shared earlier this year, CommonWell is still on track to make the services Generally Available to its subscribing members, and in turn, their participating providers and health care systems, by the end of summer.
The select CommonWell initial sites have shared 4,000 documents with other Carequality-enabled physicians to-date. With the help of these initial sites, CommonWell will collaborate with Carequality participants to complete volume benchmarking, user experience validation, and process refinement.
In addition to this joint effort, members of both Carequality and CommonWell also participated in a Joint Document Content Workgroup, which recently issued recommendations with respect to data content contained in clinical documents. The workgroup aims to raise the bar with respect to recommended standard elements that are made generally available within the industry. Carequality will incorporate these recommendations into an updated Implementation Guide for all networks participating in the framework.