Carequality Steering Committee and Advisory Council Changes

October 12, 2016 |
Carequality Blog

New Carequality Steering Committee Members

Congratulations to Andrew Kling of Geisinger, Dr. Steven Lane of Sutter Health, and Tushar Malhotra of eClinicalWorks on their new appointment to the Carequality Steering Committee.

We are also pleased to share that the following members will return for a new term: Nancy Beavin of Humana, Hans Buitendijk of Cerner, Kevin Isbell of Kaiser Permanente, and Kathy Lewis of Surescripts. The Steering Committee is responsible for Carequality’s strategic direction, and for the development and oversight of the Carequality interoperability framework. The new two year terms begin this month.


Now Seeking Advisory Council Nominations

Congratulations New Members!The Advisory Council, like Carequality itself, is unique in that is seeks to embody the entire healthcare continuum. The diverse Council members include not only provider organizations, networks, and vendors, but also patient safety organizations, behavioral health organizations, government agencies, standards development organizations, and other health care settings such as labs, pharmacies, and long term care. Strengthen your engagement with Carequality and ensure your perspective is included by applying today.

Deadline for applications is Friday, October 28th.

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