Carequality Interoperability Framework Published

December 7, 2015 |
Carequality Blog

Today, Carequality released the much-anticipated Carequality Interoperability Framework, which enables comprehensive connectivity for the entire healthcare ecosystem – regardless of technology platform or geography.carequality

We enthusiastically thank all of those who participated in the workgroups, committees, and ad hoc teams that all played a role in developing the Framework.  It was truly an effort of the healthcare community.  In particular, we thank our initial roll-out group, who provided the pragmatic, operational perspective that was essential to the Framework’s development.

The comprehensive Framework consists of multiple elements including legal terms, policy requirements, technical specifications, and governance processes operationalizing data sharing under the previously approved Principles of Trust.

The Framework is available now for adoption by health information exchange networks, vendors, payers, and others across the healthcare ecosystem, providing a practical approach enabling previously out-of-reach levels of connectivity.

The initial implementers of the Carequality Interoperability Framework (along with their clients)  will no longer need to develop one-off legal agreements or negotiate technical standards in order to connect beyond their current exchange platforms and programs.  Just as we all take for granted that we can dial a number on our cell phone and the call will go through regardless of the other party’s phone service provider, physicians and other appropriate users will be able to access data across network boundaries in health IT.  We expect health data sharing opportunities to dramatically expand, and include additional providers, payers, government agencies, and others as the Carequality community grows. 

The initial implementers focus first on query-based exchange of clinical documents, although the Framework was developed to support an unlimited variety of technical architectures and data types.

See the news release for details or our news room for the industry’s reaction to this first-of-its-kind Framework.

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