Carequality Implementation Guide Updates Now In Effect

March 27, 2018 |
Carequality Blog

Carequality strives to address the evolving needs of our community. With this in mind, our governing document, the Query-Based Documentation Exchange Implementation Guide is treated as a living document that is updated based on the collaborative work of our members, subject matter experts, and staff. Building on this inclusive process, we are thrilled to announce an updated version of the Implementation Guide, known as Version 1.1. or IG v1.1., is now available.

What’s new?

Policy Assertions

Carequality has responded to community feedback that all queries are not the same. Implementers may now give context to their queries. For example, an Implementer responding to a query may have access policies related to medical emergencies that differ from routine responses. Carequality’s new policy assertions allow the requester to give the responding Implementer that vital context.

Additional Permitted Purposes of Use

As the Carequality Implementer community evolves, additional use cases must be added. To this end, IG v1.1 adds Patient Request and Coverage Determination to our list of Permitted Purposes of Use. We have also included a handy crosswalk of our Carequality Permitted Purposes of Use with the NHIN Purpose of Use Codes.

Implementer Non-Discrimination

Our non-discrimination policies (those that regulate Implementer to Implementer bias treatment) are essential to frictionless exchange between community members. We have further enhanced these policies in IG v1.1 to account for new purposes of use and policy assertions.

Where can you download the new guide?

These are just some of the highlights of IG v1.1. We encourage everyone to download and review the document. You can find the updated Carequality Implementation Guide on the Resources page.

Finally, thank you to all of the members, subject matter experts, and staff that have worked tirelessly over the past year to make this update happen. Your concerted effort has been invaluable to this process. The work is never done though! As we grow and adapt to new community needs, we hope to have your continued support.

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