Carequality Annual Meeting Centered on Health IT Interoperability, Health Data Sharing, 2022 Recap and 2023 Plans

January 20, 2023 |
Carequality Blog, Carequality News

TEFCA’s Rollout and How Carequality Is Supporting the Effort Highlighted

Carequality hosted its 2022 annual meeting on December 13th in Washington, DC, with morning sessions targeting Carequality updates and accomplishments and afternoon sessions focusing on the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) and health IT interoperability.

The chairman of the board, Seth Selkow, convened the meeting by sharing the organization’s latest developments and upcoming priorities. Alan Swenson, executive director, followed with a review of 2022 action items and planned initiatives for 2023.

Numerous Carequality volunteers and workgroup co-chairs then took to the stage to discuss care coordination, patient access, FHIR implementation, and more.

New in 2022, Carequality encouraged more peer-to-peer collaboration and learning with unconference sessions. Attendees chose from a variety of topics for participant-driven discussions in small groups facilitated by staff and guest experts. These sessions were a highlight of the day and will be an extended feature of the 2023 agenda.

The afternoon featured keynote speaker Alex Mugge of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. This was followed by sessions on Carequality’s role in supporting TEFCA. A panel titled “TEFCA and Public Health: What’s in it for you?” addressed specific challenges facing public health data sharing and plans to expand interoperability.

We’d like to thank all participants of this year’s Annual Meeting, this year’s success is due to your participation and commitment to Carequality. This was our first in-person meeting following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it was wonderful to see so many new and familiar faces, that we hope to see again next year. Finally we’d like to send out a special thank you to our speakers and panelists who dedicated their time and expertise to help make this year’s meeting truly memorable.

To see the annual meeting session recordings or download the presentation slides, visit

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About Carequality

Carequality is a national-level, consensus-built, interoperability framework to enable exchange between and among health information networks. Carequality brings together diverse groups, including electronic health record vendors, record locator service providers and other types of existing networks, to determine technical and policy agreements to enable data to flow between and among networks, platforms and geographies.

The Carequality Framework provides the essential elements for trusted national exchange, such as common rules of the road, well-defined technical specifications and a participant directory.


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